Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who is National Energy Discounters?

    National Energy Discounters is an independent energy broker, who matches consumers with suppliers offering the lowest cost for their energy requirements.
  • What is an energy supplier?

    An energy supplier is a company that purchases its electricity and gas supplies from the wholesale market and sells it to consumers (homes and businesses).  An energy service company is constantly shopping for the best wholesale prices to keep costs of the electricity or gas they sell down.  National Energy Discounters is in constant contact with these suppliers.
  • Will I still be a customer of my local utility company?

    Yes. Your local utility company will remain the same, as they own the power lines or pipes that carry electricity or gas to your business or home and they will continue to bill you for the delivery of electricity or gas.
  • What if power goes out who is responsible?

    If you lose power or if you have an emergency, you must still contact your utility company. The utility company is required to respond to all customer service inquiries in regards to outages, downed lines, repairs, and maintenance.
  • Will my utility company discriminate against me if I use an energy supply company?

    NO. Your utility company by regulatory law cannot discriminate and must provide equal service to all its customers they provide delivery service on behalf.

  • Will I notice any changes to my bill?

    No.  The only difference on your monthly bill will be your new energy supplier that National Energy Discounters was instrumental in helping you choose to provide you energy at a lower cost.
  • How long does it take to switch to my new low cost energy supplier?

    Your switch will occur at your next scheduled meter reading.  The switch must coincide with your current scheduled meter readings of your utility company.
  • What if my energy supply company goes out of business is my electricity or gas service in jeopardy?

    No.  Your home or business is never at risk.  In the unlikely event your energy supply company is no longer able to supply service to your account; your utility company would step in and deliver energy to your home or business with no interruption in service.
  • Once National Energy Discounters places our account with a low cost supplier, do they no longer keep in contact?

    No.  National Energy Discounters in fact will do an immediate follow up after the first billing cycle to verify that proper pricing was applied to your account.  We provide complimentary energy market updates and briefs so that our customers are up to date, and we are always a phone call or email away.